Saturday, February 19, 2011

A new start in life

My mate George is leaving Australia today to move into Hong Kong then he will end up being a permanent resident in China. There are more opportunity for him to be successful in Hong Kong and China where economy's rising and even bike riders can make living by doing show business, organizing competitions or jams. George has already got job in Hong Kong to be a show rider and a trails builder in dirt amusement park that takes up a whole mountain. I'm pretty sure that George will make Asian bike scene more exciting and fun.

We went to Sunshine Coast for our last bike trip and stayed with George's family. But unfortunately, skate parks was wet because of constant rain, so we decided to hang out in nature doing skim boarding and climbing Mt.Coolum.  We had fun in the rain even I had bit of accident at Mt.Coolum.. I believe..  

I want to simply celebrate his new start in life that will definitely make his life better and successful. Thanks for being my best mate and giving me good inspirations of life and riding.

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